Did you know,
that as part of the KozaIpek investigation,
not a single dollar was found that would constitute a justification for confiscatingits assets despite all the efforts made to find something by all the institutions of the state, MASAK, BDDK, TurkishTax Inspection Board, the SPK, the expert witnesses, MIT investigations, police investigations;
that because the prosecutor for constitutional crimes could not find a crime, he added the charge of violation of the SPK law to his ongoing investigation into a terror organisation, even though it was not his job and he was not authorised to do so;
that the prosecutor instructed the SPK to write a report, which is against the law;
that the SPK wrote reports of crime and sent them to the prosecutor;
and that there is no other case where they have confiscated all a company’s assets during the prosecution process without a trial…
ARTICLE 115 – (1) To investigate the crimes defined and referred to in this law is subject to an application in writing to the Prosecutor’s Office by the council. This application is regarded as a condition for going to trial.
ARTICLE 116 – (1) Criminal Courts of First Instance assigned by the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors are authorised to carry out jurisdiction regarding the crimes defined and referred to in this law.
Unfortunately and obviousely Turkey is a lawless state run by AKP.