I have to answer this damn indictment which is full of absurd nonsense. It’s impossible not to go mad when one reads it. It’s so over the top, my friend. On the one hand, my mind is on my loved ones.

On the other, my mind is onother people’s stories – storiesthat make my heart ache,stories of people whom I don’t know.

Professors who are trying to stay in refugee camps

Top bureaucrats’ wives who are trying to find cleaning jobs – all happening now.Civil servants who are trying to get jobs as porters in order to get by.

Yesterday, I read about a young couple, both academicians. They have been dismissed from their jobs, their health insurance has been cancelled, and there is no chance of their finding another job. Then, on top of all that, their passports have been cancelled.

They were caught while trying to flee with 4,000 Euros in their pockets. Apparently, they were going to start a new life in a new country with 4,000 Euros. I don’t know how?

They thought even this was too much and I’ve heard that the couple have been detained. My brother has been in jail for months, his life confined by walls.He is innocent, mate; he hasn’t committed a single crime…

It’s like there has been a death dust sprinkled on people, their ears are sealed, their doors are closed, on paper only, they are living beings. People are afraid to exchange greetings let alone help each other. How did you become like this? How did we, my friend?

There must be an end to this frenzy.





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