They can’t find a crime

It’s been two years since the investigation of Koza Ipek began and it’s not finished yet.
As financial investigations go, it’s a world record.

One trustee comes, another one goes.

They can’t find a crime.

The reason is simple. We are not guilty. We have lived a clean life.

I said, the audits won’t upset us, on the contrary they will make us strong. The reason is this: All our activities were audited by well-known independent audit companies. We had them approved and we declared them.

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The judicial costs will be paid personally by the trustees

  1. The court has ruled that the judicial costs will be paid personally by the trustees of Koza Gold. That’s about 250,000 GBP (1.2 million TL). They will personally pay this amount to Koza Ltd in England. This amount will increase as the case advances
    Just after this ruling, a decreehaving force of law was issued on the 23rd January 2017. It read:
    “In this case and in the investigations opened, the judicial costs and the fees for authentication to the detriment of the management cannot be ruled by the court, those ruled cannot be collected.”
  2. Ipek Investment sent a warning to the TMSF, the trustees of Ipek Holding, Koza Gold and ATP,reminding them of the protocol dated the 7th June 2016.
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Every law has a reason, a pretext behind it

In the last decree having force of law, here is an article which slipped through the cracks. In short, it says: During the investigation or the case, the decision on the sale of assets, the management of which was transferred to the TMSF, can be made by the relevant ministry.

This means:

The TMSF is aware of the serious nature of this matter and does not want to take the responsibility. It has passed the ball to the relevant ministry. The relevant ministry is dear Canikli’s ministry.

This means, they can appoint trustees to an innocent citizen’s assets and sell them before he is found guilty.

Every law has a reason, a pretext behind it.

It is not stated in this decree having force of law.

It looks as if it is about money and assets.

As a result,

The assets of any citizen who is not yet found guilty of a crime can be sold…

The mental block has turned into insanity

The mental block has turned into insanity, people are holding their breath, there is no problem,however,at the Pool Media… Weddings, festivals, lies … for them, it’s business as usual.

The latest news, in short, reads something like this: Someone in Izmir apparently heard something like this being said: “Akin Ipek took the gold given to him at his wedding to Gulen, told him to take the gold and to use it when there was economic hardship in Hizmet, and our Hodja (Gulen) took the gold and said this prayer to me, “May Allah give you mountains of gold.’’ You know the rest.

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Ankara Social Sciences University is our university

Ankara Social Sciences University is our university,
Their instructors are our instructors,
And their students are our youth.

There is no question about it…

If only they could have embraced the select students at Ipek University and studied together,

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All these incidents watched with sorrow and astonishment

In the midst of all these incidents watched with sorrow, astonishment, as a lesson to learn from and sometimes in horror, I have to take a look at the famous main indictment.

nurettin veren
nurettin veren

I summarize here what a man named Nurettin Veren said about me today: “I left the Hizmet movement in 1996. I know Akin Ipek very well. I’ve known him since before 1990??? I’ve sat with his elder brother at their petrol station on numerous occasions. I used to go to their printers a lot. He was among the Samanyolu trustees. He was in the printing business. He was ordered to go into mining.”

Apparently, Nurettin Bey has been my friend for 27 years…maybe 30.

I beg his pardon, but I have no recollection of it. Not a telephone conversation nor a meeting…

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The Koza Gold Himmet Dede mining plant

The Koza Gold Himmet Dede mining plant is the first and only Turkish mining plant to have been discovered and made into a plant in the last 12 years.


After 5 years of searches, starting in 2012, the construction of the plant took 4 years and it cost 110 million USD (192 million TL).


Before construction of the Himmet Dede started, the international consulting practice, the SRK prepared a 500-page feasibility report and estimated the project would cost 130 million USD.

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Our company (Koza Gold Co.) and the Unuvar Building Co.

Our company (Koza Gold Co.) and the Unuvar Building Co. have entered into a framework agreement for the duration of 3 years, with a payment of 300,000,000 TL every year, in return for the production of ore at the mines, stripping work, building plants for warehousing waste, building linking roads and doing a variety of work including: maintenance and the landscaping of the waste fields, building a new plant and renovation work at the plants.

We have been waiting for the investigation to finish

Dear Chairman of the TMSF and the trustees,

For the last 1.5 years of trustee management, since the seizure of our companies, we have been waiting for the investigation to finish,to be found not guiltyand to return to our lives. The investigation has not finished and in addition to this,there are rumours circulating that our assets will be sold, and that the TMSF’s list of assets to be sold, including all our assets, is being bandied about all over the place, but the indictment has not even been prepared yet.

It’s as if we’ve died and they’ve buried us in our graves, and our soulsare watching  people that we don’t know living our lives. During this time, while my brother was sitting at home, they came and took him and they put him in prison.He’s been there for nearly a year now. Among the close friends he has known for years and those who instrumented this, there is no one with a sinking heart; no one who has lost his appetite and no one with a tongue.

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An important issue concerning the KozaIpek Group and Ipek University

Dear Chairman of the TMSF and the trustees, There is an important issue concerning the KozaIpek Group and Ipek University.

As you know, Ipek University was a registered trust that was founded by law by the TBMM (the Turkish Parliament) and that successfully went through all the inspections by YOK (the Council of Higher Education) without any problems,and that wouldn’t accept any donations from anywhere other than the Ipek family and the KozaIpek Group of companies.

Its objective was to raise a republican youth who would be advocates of universal law and of universal human rights and who would believe in democracy and contribute to the peaceful co-existence of people of different race, religion, language and sect by building bridges between cultures. It is one of the mostimportant projects of this century,andone I personally contributed a great dealto. In fact, it was actually me who turned it into a project.

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