The SPK (Capital Markets Board of Turkey) Criminal Complaint 2

The SPK (Capital Markets Board of Turkey) Criminal Complaint 2. WHY DID YOU DONATE SO MUCH? YOU DONATED MORE THAN YOUR COUNTERPARTS.


Is there a clausepertaining to this matter in our articles of association? YES.  Was it decided on in the general assembly? YES. Was the amount to be donated announced in the general assembly? YES.

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The SPK’s Criminal Complaints and the Answers

Summary:  The SPK’s (Capital Markets Board of Turkey) Criminal Complaints and the Answers: 1) Why did you set up a company abroad? Why do you have Class A privileged shares? This gives you total control.

My answer: The right to hold Class A shares can only be owned or given by the owners or founders of the company. No one can have Class A shares unless they are the founders of the company or their ownership of the shares has been approved by the owners of the company themselves. Furthermore, the management of the KozaIpek Group would not change or be changed even if there were no Class A shares.

This right comes from the foundation and the ownership.

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The Ipek Family left the holding’s money

The Ipek Family left the holding’s money, 100 percent of which belonged to the family in the company. After the blackmailing and warnings from the pool media, could I transfer our fortune, which is our lawful right, abroad by lawful means? Was it my lawful right to do so? Yes, of course.

But, I didn’t, because: We were doing business in such an honest way that I had complete trust in the law;that it would be on our side and would protect us.

I still do believe that the judiciary will one day see the truth.

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The Criminal Complaints of the SPK

The Criminal Complaints of the SPK (Capital Markets Board of Turkey). I don’t wish to hurt anyone. I just want to make up this enormous loss that has been the result of a huge mistake. As a businessman whose three companies have been listed on the stock market for three years and have gone public,offering shares internationally; a businessman who has visited more than 200 of the biggest foreign investment funds and given presentations to them, one of the most important issues, and one that I must be well-informed on, is the rules and regulations of the SPK and all related international law. I have never taken a risk regarding this matter. There hasn’t been a single irregularity.

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Application to the ECHR

If the trustees themselves hadn’t had to confess, nobody would have believed that they had done such a stupid thing. I hope they themselves will pay for this stupidity.

They used drills, radiography and seismic investigation equipment in the hotel. May Allah give them reason.

This is the capacity of the man that they have appointed as a trustee to the great Koza Group.

I would just like to remind people that using false invoices in order to ensure Koza Ipek pays for all this will have heavy consequences for government officials.

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It is understood that what the Ipek Family has suffered is not enough. Amongthe Ipek Family members, there are people who sympathize with a particular political idea. This has never been a problem. TekinIpek is the person closest to the ruling party and its members.

Tekin would go on trips and to football matches with party members and they knew him very well and liked him very much. There is no one who knowsTekinand doesn’t like him. He is a typical Anatolian businessman who is peaceful, generous, and patriotic.

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They had approved our financial tables

In the sixth month of their trusteeship, the trustees made an announcement on the internet that they had approved our financial tables and that they were correct. Their posting ended.

When they realised that the approval of the financial tables meant that their posting had come to an end, they cancelled the approval and announced that, too.

They then learnt that in a group that has international investors such anaction was not possible. They learnt that the financial tables had already been given to the Ministry of Finance and that the approval could not be cancelled.

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The trustee scandals after the appointment of the trustees

The trustee scandals after the appointment of the trustees; The trustees saw trusteeship as a blessing, an opportunity and their right. Maybe they were this as well, but mainly to keep their positions and to receive praise, they saw it as their task to torture the family and that’s what they were doing.

They even accused one another of being a member of the ‘parallel state’,in order to continue their reign. Having their photos taken at our board table and sharing these photos with their friends. Using the company cars for their private business.

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The expert witness’s report of October 2015

Below is extract (2) from the expert witness’s report of October 2015: It is quite possible that the suspicious institution/individual or the institutions/individuals that are associated with the institutions that constituted the premise for the expert witness’s report have entered in to unlawful actions: using documents that were not properly registered (especially those used in decisions made by the board) in the commercial ledgers, cheating of the accounts by using a double account system, keeping two ledgers creating a sort of parallel bookkeeping system and tens of other actions that are against the law were detected, and the participation of an independent representative from outside (the group) is essential,in particular to reveal all these suspense accounts associated with all the institutions, the names of which are mentioned in the report. Read more

The Trusteeship Phase at Koza Ipek

The Trusteeship Phase at Koza Ipek. During the process of firing information at all the different official bodies, answering all questions with proof of documentation on time, all of a sudden, a report prepared by an expert witness sprang up that we knew nothing about.

They never asked us for an explanation of this report nor for any information or documentation and we were not given any chance to defend ourselves.

The expert witness’s name wasn’t listed on the judicial list of expert witnesses and it later came to light that he didn’t have alicenceto be one, as he had a criminal record.

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