It in fact took place ten years ago in 2006, and not in 2016

This is the news headline on ODA TV today: “We want Akın İpek who planned the attack to be punished.” On reading this,you would think there was an attack on a place and Akın İpek was the person who had planned it.

I was expecting them to publish my comments as I have a right to give my side of the story, but they wrote this instead. But that’s not important! I don’t think all the employees are like this.

Regarding the incident that ODA TV is referring to: It in fact took place ten years ago in 2006, and not in 2016.

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The trustees were appointed to Koza İpek as part of an AKP-led crackdown

Two of the 5 government appointed trustees who currently control management of the Koza İpek holdings have complained the other 3 are members of the “parallel structure,” –a derogatory term concocted by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to vilify members of Hizmet (aka Gülen Movement), a grassroots civil society organization.

The trustees were appointed to Koza İpek as part of a Justice and Development Party-led (AKP) crackdown against Hizmet in September 2015, just days before a crucial election which saw the AKP regain a majority in the Turkish parliament.

Trustees Mustafa Akçil, Hayrullah Dağıstan and Arif Yalçın, filed to have trustees Hikmet Keleş and Hamza Yanık removed from their position at the companies, according to Yeni Hayat daily.

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Vahdettin Ertaş, the president of the SPK (The Capital Markets Board of Turkey)

Dear Vahdettin Ertaş, the president of the SPK (the Capital Markets Board of Turkey), I have briefly explained the criminal complaints and the answers to them in such a way that even a high school graduate could understand.

There are more important issues to explain.As you well know, my brother was put in prisonon the premise of your criminal complaints. He has been in prison for months now.

You have instructed the trustees, who are already sitting on my family’s fortune;trustees who are not the owners, the shareholders or the board that the shareholders appointed, but are only temporary trustees who hold temporary authorisation.

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ODA TV! Here is the truth

I feel obliged to give an explanation here. ODA TV! Here is the truth: Contrary to what the public believes, KANALTURK wasn’t purchased from Tuncay Özkan.

Tuncay Özkan has never had even a share in KANALTURK. He declared himself to be the General Coordinator.

The official debts that were made known to us by the previous owners during the purchasing process, and which had to be paid were:

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There was an announcement on ODA TV

There was an announcement on ODA TV, saying that either my companies or I owed money to Tuncay Özkan, the previous owner of Kanaltürk, for the purchase of his TV channel.

I have explained the situation several times, and here is my final explanation: Neither I nor my group of companies have engaged in any business with Tuncay Özkan. Therefore:


There was a case which we opened against the shareholders of Kanaltürk when the TV broadcasting and studio equipment wasn’t given to us after the purchase of KANALTURK. This case was concluded long ago and we won it.

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The trustees who seized my brother, Tekin İpek’s hotel

The trustees who seized my brother, Tekin İpek’s hotel, HikmetKeleş and Hamza Yanık were not at all bothered by the ruling of the court of the Turkish Republic and never left office. We were stunned…

It’s hard to believe, I know, but the prosecutor’s office actually asked for an appeal on a matter which had nothing to do with them.

The ruling was revoked and they took up the throne again! How can this be? Who do these people put their trust in when they feel able to go so far as not to listen to a court ruling?

Who are they in cahoots with or who is backing them?

My brother was taken into intensive care

My brother was taken into intensive care, and apparently they didn’t tell my mother at first. She somehow heard about it
and rushed to the hospital. They turned a blind eye and allowed her to see my brother in the lift.

I’m sure all the time in the world would not have been enough for her –she hugged him to her, as if her life depended on it. The Trustee, Hikmet Keleş’s appeal to revoke the court ruling on the cancellation of his trusteeship was granted.

He flew round to my brother Tekin’s hotel with all the joy of a child who has found a long lost toy.

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ODA TV News has mixed me, Kanalturk and Nurettin Veren up

ODA TV News has mixed me, Kanalturk and NurettinVeren up. He reported things I haven’t said and which never existed as real. I don’t know him. I must use my right to answer. All of this is nonsense.

At the time, they prepared an international presentation for the sale of Kanalturk, they were looking for a buyer. I’ve already published a statement about the penalty charges and a list of payments on this platform.

I am not disclosing his name as I haven’t got his consent to do so. But there is a recent message I received from one of the long-termshareholders of Kanalturk at that time. The message reads:

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Everything is on record

The last correction I made to the latest slanders, in order to put the record straight for posterity, made the Takvim newspaper laugh. According to them, I lied and I bent the truth. If you witness someone lying, especially if he does so consistently, he is a liar. And a liar’s remarks are worthless.

I have made 365 declarations on this platform so far. Since 2014, I’ve spoken numerous times to TV Channels and newspapers. Everything is on record. My financial accounts are there, too for everyone to see.

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If I don’t correct this, it will be taken as the truth

In all this chaos, it does no good to say anything, but if I don’t correct this, it will be taken as the truth. The latest lies: Akin Ipek established a structure in England with Mustafa Yesil. Apparently I took out a loan from Asya Bank, that’s where I get my capital from. I am the financer…My relationship with Tuscon and so on…

Here is the truth: I don’t know Mustafa Yesil. I don’t know where the Society of Writers and Journalists is. I have never had any relationship, close or distant, with Asya Bank, let alone taken out a loan. I am not a member of Tuscon or any other association. I have never attended any of their meetings.

I am only dealing with my business and legal procedures in England.

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