Ms AmberinZaman has also mentioned my name in her interview with Mr Murat Aksoy.
With her permission, I’d like to add something
Theone and only reason Mr Aksoy wrote for the Ipek Media Group was because he was a good journalist. It was most certainly not because of his ideology, religion, sect or political views.
And the same goes for all the other journalists and all my colleagues who worked for my group.
The ideology of the Ipek Media Group adheres tothemedia standards and ethicsthat werepubished.
Unless ethical conduct had been breached, no one ever interfered, I have neverlet anyone interfere.
They can check this – out of all the media groups, it’s the least refuted.
They won’t be able to find any signs ofany fabricated news, insults, slander, or even disrespect.
When necessary, we haven’t refrained from apologizing.
What has not been understood here is:
The fact that critical journalists (they were never insulting) worked for our group and because we gave them space and we gave every section of society the right to speak,
we have been declared guilty.
What the lady said is true; if these media organs were involved in some illegalconduct,
why didn’t the state’s supervisory institutions, RTUK, or BIAK warn them of it at the time?
We did not pay the salaries intoAsya Bank, that is right, because Asya Bank was not one of the banks we worked with. However, what utter nonsenseit is to say that it is a crime to work with institutions that were set up in accordance with the rules and regulations of the state and that are under the supervision of the state?
Is it not utter nonsense to look on non-criminal acts as if they werelegal evidenceof a crime and to try to prove that you did not do a certain thing?
Without legally identifying the crime, and without saying which law we broke, one would not expect an enlightened person to say, “I am not one of them, don’t beat me, beat them.”
How on earthcan we legally defend ourselves against fictitious nonsensical slanders if there isn’t a law we can refer to?
We live in anage when it is very expensive to do the right thing, and stand byyour principles.
Anage when dignified people pay a heavy price, and anage when dignified people whodo not want to pay a pricestart by pointing the finger at innocentpeople and saying they are guilty.
I have read it many times and I haven’t found any.I had it translated, and asked my lawyers to find what evidence there is in the pyramid indictment in which they have included my name.
The answer is as follows; In this indictment, there is not one single piece of evidence that any crime has been committed by AkınIpek.