Those behind the curtains, the invaders, the collaborators are on the dark side of the picture, philanthropists are on the bright side of the picture.

On the dark side, the reason for unity is self-interest.
On the bright side, the reason for unity is devotion.

To confiscate the works that were created with devotion  by the bright side and change their names or replace them with their own names won’t change their place in the picture.

Those behind the curtains; their plans are global.

They have made plans for the welfare of their own people.
That’s why they are interested in the wealth and natural resources of other countries.

In order to have a dynamic industry, they need nations to buy what they produce. When these consumer nations improve their own national industries and become a rival they see them as a threat.

They try to keep these countries who they see as consumers between a lower limit where they can buy them and an upper limit where they can’t be a rival.

For the consumer nation to pass the upper limit, everything that needed to be done was planned long before.

Instead of the added value of the national companies and the natural underground resources being spent on the welfare of the people, they are destroying them or burning them with the fire of terror and transferring a substantial amount of the valuea broad, and even that is not enough.

They use treasures such as religion, sect, ethnicity as a divisive tool with the help of social engineering and they divide the countries.

Among those behind the curtains there are those who want to export their regimes.

They don’t see military invasion as an option.

They are not power fulor courageous enough for that anyway, but as they creep around furtively they are dangerous.

They make long-term plans.
They use filthy tools such as bribery and people’s weaknesses.

On the one hand, there is a life like paradise on Earth, on the other a life like hell on Earth.

They adorn those who bow down to them with worldly gains, and those who do not are severely punished.

They know that:

If the rulers of the country can be bought by bribes and be silenced with fear, there is no need for any soldiers from another country to invade…

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