It’s been two years since the investigation of Koza Ipek began and it’s not finished yet.
As financial investigations go, it’s a world record.

One trustee comes, another one goes.

They can’t find a crime.

The reason is simple. We are not guilty. We have lived a clean life.

I said, the audits won’t upset us, on the contrary they will make us strong. The reason is this: All our activities were audited by well-known independent audit companies. We had them approved and we declared them.

There is an important issue concerning the accusations you make about the Koza Ipek Group. That is:

A case will have to be opened, against PwC concerning the accuracy of the financial tables, against the SRK concerning the reserve and production of ore, against the ALS concerning the analysis of gold tenor, against the BDO concerning the tenders within and outside the group and the purchases, against CHARTIS Insurance for any management errors resulting in compensation, against the TRUSTEES if the insurance company does not cover the loss, againstthe SPK in all cases.

These companies are the most well-known and the most dependable international independent audit companies in their fields.

It is essential that these companies are involved in the case,as they approved every transaction and signed their signatures and they have responsibilities such as their responsibilities to the board of directors. You might have to put a cautionary judgement on their assets too.

You cannot only open a case against Koza Ipek Group, or its management.

There are international implications.

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