Dear Chairman of the TMSF and the trustees, There is an important issue concerning the KozaIpek Group and Ipek University.

As you know, Ipek University was a registered trust that was founded by law by the TBMM (the Turkish Parliament) and that successfully went through all the inspections by YOK (the Council of Higher Education) without any problems,and that wouldn’t accept any donations from anywhere other than the Ipek family and the KozaIpek Group of companies.

Its objective was to raise a republican youth who would be advocates of universal law and of universal human rights and who would believe in democracy and contribute to the peaceful co-existence of people of different race, religion, language and sect by building bridges between cultures. It is one of the mostimportant projects of this century,andone I personally contributed a great dealto. In fact, it was actually me who turned it into a project.

It was closed down in a day without even having had any graduates, without any reason being presented, without any questions asked let alone any defence being asked for.

No one knows the reason or the grounds for its closure.

I can’t put into words how sorry I feel for the injustice our students and teaching staff have gone through.

Lots of sad stories have been lived out that would make good subjects for films…

As for the part that relates to you, as of today:

This might have escaped your notice, but you will find in your archives, a conditional donation protocol that was concluded on 17.03.2011. There are references to this protocol on the receipts for the donations. According to this conditional donation protocol,there is without a doubt a breach of the conditions of donation.

In this case, as can be seen in the protocol, all the assets of Ipek University must be returned to the KozaIpek Group of companies. (Details can be found in the protocol.)

I must tell you this because as part of your duty, the authorities you were given bear the responsibility of protecting all the rights and assets of the KozaIpek Group.

All the assets that belong to Ipek University now belong to the KozaIpek Group by law. The procedures for the return of assets that became the KozaIpek Group’s bad debt need to be completed and finished.

This matter has aspects that relate to the SPK. This is for your information.

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