The Trusteeship Phase at Koza Ipek. During the process of firing information at all the different official bodies, answering all questions with proof of documentation on time, all of a sudden, a report prepared by an expert witness sprang up that we knew nothing about.

They never asked us for an explanation of this report nor for any information or documentation and we were not given any chance to defend ourselves.

The expert witness’s name wasn’t listed on the judicial list of expert witnesses and it later came to light that he didn’t have alicenceto be one, as he had a criminal record.

Despite this, all this ridiculous slander written by someone who had no information and no authority was answered with proof of documentation within a week. It was submitted to the prosecutor in the form of a very impressive presentation.
There was not a single issue that was not cleared and made void in this report.
But as a result of the report by this expert witness, trustees were appointed.
Below is an extract from the expert witness’s report in 2015 which resulted in the trusteeship:
According to the final part of the report drawn up by the team of expert witnesses on the companies mentioned: they were made up of institutions set up on purpose; these institutions are associated; the lists documenting the structure of the shareholders, show the same people have authority in all these institutions; these institutions have the same address; those which have a different address are all registered at the Smurfs’ Village address which is in Yenimahalle Ankara (App 30); very serious fraud and false accounting was committed; there was unregistered money coming in, expenses spent and bookkeeping arrangements…

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