The trustee scandals after the appointment of the trustees; The trustees saw trusteeship as a blessing, an opportunity and their right. Maybe they were this as well, but mainly to keep their positions and to receive praise, they saw it as their task to torture the family and that’s what they were doing.

They even accused one another of being a member of the ‘parallel state’,in order to continue their reign. Having their photos taken at our board table and sharing these photos with their friends. Using the company cars for their private business.

Taking advantage by giving contracts to their own companies.

Sacking skilled and experienced staff and replacing them with their ownfamily members and close friends. Issuing false invoices.

Receiving commission from buying goods for the companies.

Installing water heaters in the rooms so that they could stay in the hotel during the winter – they stayed in the king suites and villas of the hotel as a family.

Going and sitting in our houses when we were not there.

Going into our private rooms and rummaging throughour drawers.

Making recordings in our bedrooms.

Giving the photos to the media and publishing them.

Preventing my ill mother, my family from entering their own home.

Forcing my sister to move out of her house and opening a case against her family.

They made my family, none of whom have ever entered a police station in their lives, trudge from police station to court, round and round again.

They seized my 70 year old mother’s passport on the suspicion of aiding in the provision of weapons to terrorist organisations – my mother, who has never travelled abroad other than to the sacred lands of Mecca and Medina.

On the one side, a worldly-wise, would-never-hurt-an-ant, philanthropic family, and on the other grasping, greedypoor excuses for human beings who never go out without a gun at their waist and who say, “Thanks be to God, I was jobless and hungry, and look where I am now!”

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