Below is extract (2) from the expert witness’s report of October 2015: It is quite possible that the suspicious institution/individual or the institutions/individuals that are associated with the institutions that constituted the premise for the expert witness’s report have entered in to unlawful actions: using documents that were not properly registered (especially those used in decisions made by the board) in the commercial ledgers, cheating of the accounts by using a double account system, keeping two ledgers creating a sort of parallel bookkeeping system and tens of other actions that are against the law were detected, and the participation of an independent representative from outside (the group) is essential,in particular to reveal all these suspense accounts associated with all the institutions, the names of which are mentioned in the report.There is no need to say that these slanders are nonsense, as there isn’t a Smurf Village or any place of that name. The parallel bookkeeping that the so-called expert witness thought to be the case, is a legal obligation for an international group;an international company must have two formats of financial tables,one national and one international. The so-called expert witness has no knowledge of this legal obligation.
In the group, there was nopossibilityof a penny remainingunaccounted for, either in where it came from or where it was spent. Because all incoming money came from the Istanbul Gold Exchange. All outgoings, as well as all income, were revealed in financial tables which had been approved for years.
There was no possibility ofcheating in our bookkeeping. All accounts were audited several times by both official and private auditing bodies and companies, both nationally and internationally,no single wrongdoing was documented, and the accuracy of the accounts was approved and recorded.
It was technically impossible to delete anything on the accounting software that we used.
The expertwitness who confirmed that all money transactions entered into by the group had been recorded, was surprised by the allegation that the accounting system was tiredand said, “Did I write this?”

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