It is understood that what the Ipek Family has suffered is not enough. Amongthe Ipek Family members, there are people who sympathize with a particular political idea. This has never been a problem. TekinIpek is the person closest to the ruling party and its members.

Tekin would go on trips and to football matches with party members and they knew him very well and liked him very much. There is no one who knowsTekinand doesn’t like him. He is a typical Anatolian businessman who is peaceful, generous, and patriotic.

After the trusteeship, his life was taken from him by those who acted as though the company belonged to them and didn’t allow Tekin to be part of the company/ enter the company offices; he was banned from going abroad; he stayed in his house and patiently waited for Divine Justice to take place.

All of a sudden, in the middle of the night, he was taken from his home by a police escort. He dressed upas the next day he was going to the prosecutor’s office. He appeared before the prosecutor and he answered all the prosecutor’s questions. He is such a dignified man.
Here is what TekinIpek told the prosecutor: “Dear Prosecutor, please don’t arrest me.There are a lot of matters that needattending to and there is no one here to do it. If you so request, I won’t leave Ankara and I will come in and sign my name every day.
He asked why the prosecutor was arresting him on suspicion of escape when he hadn’tmade any attempt to escapeover the previous six months.
The prosecutor told him to his face, in front of three lawyers that he was being arrested in place of his brother.
The group of companies owned by Tekin is worth more than 3 billion USD. All the group’s money is held in the company that is under the control of the trustees. Tekin was only trying to deal with the abuses committed by the trustees, and he was trying to defend his rights to the best of his ability.
It came to light, that on the day that Tekin was arrested, the trustee,HikmetKeleş, started excavations in secret at midnight. He beganhis search for 18 tonnes of gold in the hotel garden.

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