I feel obliged to give an explanation here. ODA TV! Here is the truth: Contrary to what the public believes, KANALTURK wasn’t purchased from Tuncay Özkan.

Tuncay Özkan has never had even a share in KANALTURK. He declared himself to be the General Coordinator.

The official debts that were made known to us by the previous owners during the purchasing process, and which had to be paid were:

Goods and Services             $5.289 million

Staff                                       $1.700

Social security                      $2.763

VAT withheld                       $5.600

Other taxes                           $0.622

Debts to shareholders         $1.358

Total                                      $17.334 million

As can be seen clearly here, there is no illegal tax penalty among the debts mentioned by Tuncay Özkan. All the debts listed above were paid in full.


The TV channel was purchased on the 8th June 2008 for 30 million USD.


Out of the 30 million USD, 25 million USD was paid and it was agreed that the remaining 5 million USDwould be paid to the former shareholders provided that they won the case over the restriction on their broadcasting rights and won back KANALTURK’s national broadcasting licence.


This condition can be seen clearly in the purchasing agreement. (In the appendix: the agreement onthe transfer of shares) This case was brought against the government, not against us.


Of the 25 million USD, 13 million USD was paid by bank transfer to Burak Mizrak, the main shareholder at the time. The remaining 12 million USD was paid to the rest of the beneficiaries once everything had been confirmed with the former financial advisor of KANALTURK.


A considerable number of employees who worked for KANALTURK kept their jobs.


One should ask the shareholders and those who worked hard to make KANALTURK the company it was then, if they were paid their rightful share of the 13 million dollars transferred to BurakMizrak.


It’s only fair that those who made the TV channel what it was,should be givenan equal share of the profit from the sale.


As general coordinator, Tuncay Özkan nows this only too well. He shall answer.

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