This is the news headline on ODA TV today: “We want Akın İpek who planned the attack to be punished.” On reading this,you would think there was an attack on a place and Akın İpek was the person who had planned it.

I was expecting them to publish my comments as I have a right to give my side of the story, but they wrote this instead. But that’s not important! I don’t think all the employees are like this.

Regarding the incident that ODA TV is referring to: It in fact took place ten years ago in 2006, and not in 2016.

It seems, some of our employees from the mining company wanted to attend a gathering in Dikili with their families.


If they had planned to create a scene or take part in an ambush, would they have taken their wives and children with them?


Of course not.


But an incident did in fact take place and a case was opened.


Our employees were beaten with sticks wielded by men in a vehicle that belonged to the council, and there are photographs to prove this.


The case, which was opened by both parties, is still on going.


My name hasn’t been mentioned in connection with it until today.


It seems that is the wish of ODA TV.

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