In all this chaos, it does no good to say anything, but if I don’t correct this, it will be taken as the truth. The latest lies: Akin Ipek established a structure in England with Mustafa Yesil. Apparently I took out a loan from Asya Bank, that’s where I get my capital from. I am the financer…My relationship with Tuscon and so on…

Here is the truth: I don’t know Mustafa Yesil. I don’t know where the Society of Writers and Journalists is. I have never had any relationship, close or distant, with Asya Bank, let alone taken out a loan. I am not a member of Tuscon or any other association. I have never attended any of their meetings.

I am only dealing with my business and legal procedures in England.

For the last nine months, under the management of the trustees, my accountshave been examined letter by letter and they know that I haven’t financed anyone.

There isn’t a penny of my money that’s black or unaccounted for.

There were schools I gifted to the state (the Ministry of Education), I learnt that they have changed the names of those schools.

In just a day, and before the first students had even graduated, they closed the university which I founded without using any privileges and without getting a penny of help from outside.

Apparently,they have destroyed the reliefs with hammers.

It is not possible to understand them.

And finally I learnt from the Cumhuriyet newspaper that according to the indictment against me, our logo is in fact Halley’s Comet and it is a secret symbol.

Take a look at Halley’s Comet on the Internet and see what it looks like…And take a look at my logo. Is there any resemblance whatsoever?

The inspiration for my logo is the Crescent Moon and Star.

This is the truth.

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